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Groups + Classes 
Dates & Times to be announced.

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Healing through ART

Art exploration to unleash hope, affirm life and connect with your deepest inner resources

Facing into a Difficult Diagnosis

• LIVING WELL with Serious Illness: 

Mindfulness Tools to Optimize Quality of Life and Well-Being


• HEART of the MATTER: 

Mindfulness Tools for Surviving and Thriving Caregiver Stress


Radiant Presence Qigong™ for Vitality Cultivation



A Somatic  Approach to Energy & Vitality Cultivation with Radiant Presence Qigong™ & Meditation



You may know me as an ardent champion of optimizing Quality of Life ~ no matter what role you find yourself in ~ patient, caregiver or clinical care provider. Having been all three and more, my experience informs my perspective and sparked me to become an integrative patient advocate, a palliative care activist, and a passionate community organizer.


As one of the founders of Ashland Death Café and the Living/Dying Alliance, I have heard community member’s requests for more opportunities to be educated, encouraged and empowered, the desire to actively participate in re-imagining Life and living, Death and dying, and having a say in the "getting there”. Beyond the re-imagining is taking action.


I hope you will attend and invite your friends, family, and colleagues to join you. I also appreciate you telling others you know who may be interested.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you there.




Selene Seltzer

Living Well with Serious Illness

An Integrative Program of Support for Your Healing Journey

Green Leaves


Carry Full Moon
Walking together
Journey of Sisterhood

Radiant Presence Qigong

Cultivate vitality & energy through meditative mindful movement.

$16. Drop in OK; $12. /class if you pay for the month, in advance

Date: Wednesdays 

Time: 11:30 – 12:30 pm
Place: Hidden Springs Wellness Center, 1651 Siskiyou Blvd, Ashland


Qigong is an ancient healing art of slow mindful movements that unite and strengthen the body, mind and spirit. The word ‘Qigong’ translates as “energy or vitality cultivation”. These simple practices grounded in the body, the breath, the heart, and open awareness are a means for transformation and healing. ​


Radiant Presence Qigong™ is an integration of medical and spiritual qigong. These practices are used to create balance and promote good health and healing by quieting the mind, calming the nervous system, and opening the heart. Continuity of practice brings a unified physical, emotional and spiritual sense of wellbeing.


Come Join Us!

Beyond the Advance Directive...

A Group Exploration of Living/Dying & “the Getting There” + Deepening Connection with Self, Others, and Community as We Age

$80, 4 session series (Group is limited to 12)

Date:  Next Session TBA

Time: TBA
Place: TBA

This group is open to those who have attended the YOUR LIFE. YOUR DEATH. YOUR CHOICES. series and have completed the introspective work for the Advance Directive.


Now that we have completed the deep work of reconnecting with our values and beliefs AND integrating them into our wishes for the care that we wish to receive at the end of life, we turn towards our relationship to the stresses of aging, facing losses and transitions, a new diagnosis, living with chronic or serious illness, and caring for those we love and those in our community. Recognizing these stresses often breed a sense of uncertainty and isolation, we come together to explore and grow.


My experience, and studies, have shown that coming together as a group cultivates and enhances physical and emotional resilience ~ an increased ability to cope with stress, an increased clarity of mind to help with decision-making, increased compassion for self and others, and a sense of community – generating a deep knowing that we are not in this all alone.


Please contact me with any questions.

Healing through Art

Art exploration unleashes hope, affirms life and connects us with our deepest inner resources

Date:  Additional Series Coming Soon!

Time:  2 hr Sessions - TBA
Place: Coming Soon!


Making art gives comfort and elevates the spirit. Making art is healing and life enhancing. Making art develops concentration and mindfulness skills. Making art contributes to a person’s healing process. Incorporating making art with psycho-spiritual support develops resilience and cultivates a greater ability to cope with serious illness, the stresses of care giving, and of daily life.


The creation of art has played an important part in my healing journey. Cancer and a serious car accident short-circuited my academic career and left me with physical challenges and chronic pain with which I coped without the use of pain medication.


I found inspiration within ancient wisdom traditions that utilized art (and Art Tile installations) for spiritual transformation and physical healing. I founded and ran Designs In Tile™ for 34 years (1978 - 2012).  DIT became an internationally known Art Tile Studio, created custom historic tiles, installations and restorations from concept through completion, and used as its advertising tagline  ~ "The Art of Transformation".


Art Credit: "Journey of Sisterhood" • By permission of © Shelly Panko

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